July 30, 2009

Moon in Saggitarius

From July 30 - August 2 at 1:42 a.m. EST the Moon is in the sign of Saggitarius. The Saggitarian Moon is harmonious with workings for: Horses, Travel, Legal matters, Sports and Truth. Healing for the liver, thighs and hips are best done at this time. The corresponding colors of this Moon are dark blue and purple and
the governing spirits are the fiery Dragons and Fey who watch over the South.
Happy Casting!

July 29, 2009


August 1 is the Sabbat of Lughnasadh which is the first of 3 harvest Sabbats. Even though we are still techincally in Summer, Lughnasadh marks the the beginning of Autumn on the Wheel of the Year. All around us the planet is preparing for the coming cold; the days are slowly getting shorter, the nights will soon cool down and animals have begun gathering food for the coming Fall and Winter.

Grains and corn were traditionally harvested at this time and the theme of the (metaphorically) sacrificed God - the idea that death (the harvest) is necessary for the rebirth of the land is recognized and symbolically reenacted.

To celebrate Lughnasadh in true Kitchen Witch style, incorporate grains and corn in your recipes on August 1. It's traditional to Bake bread in the shape of a man, symbolizing the God's sacrifice for the bounty of the harvest and rebirth of the land. Harvest from your own garden or visit a U-Pick farm or orchard. Sacrifice unwanted habits or things from your life by throwing symbols of them into the Sabbat flame. Decorate your space in shades of yellow, gold, red and orange and use items such as late summer fruits and vegetables, sheaves of wheat, breads, grains, ears of corn and berries to adorn your home or altar.

Lughnasadh isn't just about the harvest, it's also about sharing some of your harvest, so doing some charity work, making food for others or donating items to your local food bank could be a new tradition for this day.

Bright Blessings!

July 28, 2009

The Kitchen Witch's Creed

In this pot, I stir to the sun

an' follow the rule of harming none.

Banishment of bane when goin' widdershins;
an' with water and salt negativity is cleansed.

Household duties are more than chores.
Magick abounds when mopping floors.

With this broom, I do sweep
to clean my house and safely keep.

Marigold, Basil, Thyme, and Yarrow
my spell is cast for a better tomorrow.

Lemons for joy and apples for health
the pow'r within brings great wealth.

And, in this kitchen I do pray
To truly walk the Witches' Way

Copyright 1998, 1999 E. Zeigler
This piece may be freely distributed for non-profit use as long as the
copyright information is placed underneath it.

Moon in Scorpio

From July 28 to July 30 at 8:54 a.m. EST the Moon is in mysterious Scorpio.

This is a good time for magick involving: Sexual matters, Power, Psychic growth, Secrets and healing for the reproductive organs. The corresponding colors of this Moon are red and black and the governing spirits are the Undines, water spirits of the West.

Happy Casting!


Ingredient of the Day - Chickpeas

Beans are not just for food and chairs! They can also be used in magick for protection, prosperity and to increase fertility.

My favorite bean would have to be the Garbanzo bean or Chickpea, as it's commonly known. I use the canned ones since they are so much quicker to prepare; no soaking or boiling required. Simply rinse and do with them what you will!

Chickpeas are probably the most versatile legume out there. They can be pureed for hummus or snuck into smoothies or brownies. I know what you're thinking but with other, stronger flavor elements in the food, you won't even know they are there and the added fibre and protein will do you good. They can be put on salads or roasted for a crunchy snack and the chickpea flour can be used for baking and flat breads.

Roasted chickpeas have become a favorite of mine since giving up packaged snack food. They fill the salty, crunchy void that I thought would remain forever.

Crunchy Chickpeas: 1 15oz can drained chickpeas. 
Toss with 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tsp cumin & smoked paprika. Season with salt. 
Or, try cinnamon and nutmeg if you prefer.
Bake 20 mins @ 425F.
They can keep for up to 2 or 3 days in an airtight container as long as they are completely crunchy. If they are on the soft side, they will get soggy which isn't good in my experience.


July 27, 2009

Mojo Bags

Mojo bags are known by several different names: Conjure bags, charm bags, gris gris bags; but they all refer to the same thing. They are pouches filled with various magickal items such as herbs and crystals. The term Mojo bag most likely came from the word "mojuba," which is a West African word meaning a prayer of praise. A Mojo bag is like a "prayer in a bag" or a spell you can carry.

Depending on the spell, Mojo bags are used in different ways such as worn on the person, slept with under the pillow, buried in the earth or thrown into a flowing body of water. For example, to draw money you could wear the Mojo bag on your person or make a minature version to fit in your purse or wallet. To banish sickness from yourself, you would wear the Mojo bag for a time to absorb your energy then either bury it in the earth (in a place where you will not return) or throw it into a body of water that is moving away from you. For us Witches in the city, burying things and finding moving bodies of water can be difficult, so improvise! If there are no rivers nearby, make a makeshift pouch out of bathroom tissue, hold it for a few minutes, pour your energy and sickness into it, then flush it down the toilet visualizing your ill health going along with it, never to return.

To make a Mojo bag you will first need a pouch or fabric in the appropriate color. I prefer to sew my own pouches because more of my energy gets put into the spell, however, when I need something quick, the ready mades are perfect.

You can then add one or more of the following. Don't forget to charge each item with your intent before adding it to the bag.

-Herbs to fit your purpose (Ex: Dill for money, Ginger for health etc.)
-Crystals or tumbled gemstones to fit your purpose
-A written incantation or prayer
-Anything else you wish to add

One Mojo bag I made for a friend (with permission) consisted of a green pouch I sewed myself with a $ sewed on the front, dill inside for money, and a written request to find a job quickly. While I constructed the bag I visualized him getting a job. He carried the Mojo bag with him while he handed out resumes and to job interviews. Within 2 weeks he had his first job and was making $10/hr. Would he have gotten the job without the Mojo bag? Possibly. Did the Mojo bag help? Probably. It didn't hurt to give the Universe an extra push in the right direction.

Happy Casting!

July 26, 2009

Waxing Moon

The Waxing Moon phase occurs approximately 3 days after the New Moon and lasts about 14 days.

The Moon appears to be growing larger each day making this a great time for magick involving gain and bringing things toward you such as spells for: Abundance, Artistic creation, Career advancement, Divination, Energy raising, Fertility, Friendship, Garden planting, Goals, Good luck, Growth, Harmony, Happiness, Health, Judgement, Inspiration, Love, Money, Obtaining, Power, Protection, Real estate (buy), Sexual desire, Strength, Travel, Unions, Weather working (bring forth), Weight gain, Wisdom and Wishes.

Happy Casting!

Moon in Libra

From July 26 at 1:25 a.m. to July 28 at 6:56 a.m. EST) the Moon is in the sign of Libra.

Libra is the sign of the balance, the arts, partnerships and justice so workings for employment in the arts, artistic work, relationships/partnerships, peace, fairness, justice, court cases, mental stimulation and balance are auspicious at this time.
The areas of the body that will benefit most from any healing work during this Moon are the lower back and kidneys.
The corresponding color for the Libra Moon is Royal Blue and the governing spirits are the Sylphs who resonate with the East and the Air element.

July 25, 2009

Witch Head Nebula

Isn't this just the coolest nebula ever?

July 23, 2009

Employment Spell

Almost every Witch has one or more "Go To" spells that they have had great results with on more than one occasion. Mine is a spell I created to find a job. Spells that you create on your own will certainly be more powerful than ones you have gotten from someone else or copied out of a book because they come from you and more of your personal energy is involved. However, if something out a book speaks to you or seems right, by all means use it!

For this spell I used one book to determine which herbs would work best and another for a pre-written prayer that I ended up changing to better reflect my situation but the rest was me. I believe that's why this spell was so successful. *

Resume Spell

Materials: A copy of your current resume
Green or gold candle
Money drawing herbs (I used Bay leaves and cloves)
Green marker
Glue stick
Refrigerator magnet
Best timing: Thursday or Sunday during a waxing moon

*I am only including the mechanics of the spell. Charging the items with your intent, visualization and raising/releasing the energy are also necessary.

1) Carve eight dollar signs into the candle and light it while visualizing your goal.
2) Write your wish for a new job in green marker in the middle of your resume.
You can either find a ready made money/job prayer or write your own being as specific as possible. Here is one that I found and tweaked a bit.
Mother and Father please sustain my spirit as I search for new and meaningful work. You have blessed me with a healthy body and a keen mind for which I am grateful. I ask that you open my path as I seek employment that will allow me to support my family and myself.
In gratitude and grace, So Mote It Be.
3) Glue the money herbs along the border of your resume on all sides. Easiest way is to run the glue stick along each side and sprinkle/press the herbs into the glue and shake off the excess. At this point you can simply continue visualizing your goal but I like to add a chant to the mix; something like, "Job come to me". Whatever you feel like.
4) Stick the resume to your fridge with the magnet to "draw a new job toward you".
Let the candle burn out on its own but do not leave it unattended. Never blow out a candle used for magick. If you must put it out, snuff it out and mentally shut down the spell temporarily until you are able to relight the candle.
Now get out there and hand out some real resumes!

*Results not guaranteed!

Moon in Virgo

The moon has 4 major phases; waxing, full, waning and new. However,
every 3 or 4 days the moon moves through the minor phases of each zodiac sign. From July 23 to July 26 at 1:25 a.m. EST, the moon is in Virgo.

Moon in Virgo is a good time for workings related to Employment, Intellectual matters, Health and Dietary concerns. If you plan to do healing work, the areas of the body that will benefit most from this Moon's energy are the intestines and nervous system. The corresponding colors are navy blue and rust orange. The governing spirits are the Gnomes, who rule the earth element which also rules Virgo.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

I have recurring dreams of tornadoes. The dream itself isn't the same but I generally have a tornado dream every couple of months. In the dreams I am usually trying to escape the tornado while also trying to protect a family member.

Last night's dream had me watching the sky while dark, ominous clouds churned violently and long, smoke-like funnels were slowly dropping and being sucked back into the sky in a teasing dance. I watched as a one of the funnels slowly touched down to become a tornado. I grabbed some food (in case of low blood sugar?) and Pepper, my dog and headed down to the basement of my apartment building to await the inevitable.

Depending on the source, tornado dreams can mean different things. A common explanation is that they symbloze destructive forces in your life which you have no control over. My life doesn't feel very destructive or chaotic so the interpretation that makes the most sense to me thus far is that tornadoes are unpredictable and violent storms which often separate families and destroy property. Frequent dreams of tornadoes may reflect past family instability, or people who are prone to violent “outbursts” or unpredictable mood swings. (I'm not violent but my moods are known to change quickly). Tornadoes frequently represent family members or relatives with drug, alcohol, mood disorders, and violent tempers. For people living in tornado areas, the dreams may reflect literal fears of an encounter.

July 22, 2009

New Moon

New Moon

Many Witches use moon phases as an element in their magick and are aware that different moon phases are better suited for different purposes. Today marks the New Moon which is when the moon is not visible from Earth because the side facing us is not lit by the sun. The New Moon lasts approximately 3 1/2 days and is the phase just before the moon starts waxing (growing).

Like its name suggests, the New Moon is a great time for workings related to new beginnings, projects and ventures like a new job/career or change of residence.

Happy Casting!

Daily Ingredient - Honey


Honey is definitely a food of the Gods. More than just a sweet treat, it has been used in health and beauty for centuries.

Honey contains a variety of antioxidants and its antimicrobial properties have been effective in the treatment of wounds and burns. It has shown promise in inhibiting the growth of a range of bacteria and fungi and is also successful as a cough suppressant in children over 12 months of age.

Widely used in the beauty industry, it does wonders for the skin and is my favorite facial. It is a humectant meaning it attracts and retains moisture, it evens the skin tone particularly redness, it is an anti-irritant, making it suitable for sensitive skin and baby care products and is a gentle exfoliant, removing dead skin cells leaving your skin glowing.

Honey Facial
After a shower spread a layer of honey (not too thick or thin) over your entire face.
Sit back and relax for 10 minutes. Place a towel on your chest to catch any drips.
Rinse with warm (not hot) water. It rinses off surprisingly well!
Pat dry.
*Use no more than 3x per week as it may slightly lighten skin if used more than that.

Honey's magickal uses include: fertility, purification, romance and attracting happiness.

July 21, 2009

Kitchen Blessing

Kitchen Blessing

Blessed Be this kitchen of Air, Fire, Water and Earth
Be warmed by the Sacred light of the Goddess

May all that is Created here by means both Magickal and mundane bring nourishment,healing and sustenance,
and cause harm to none.
With love and peace, with joy and Magick,
be now and always filled.
So Mote It Be!


Daily Ingredient - Lemons


It is hot on Canada's East coast. So hot in fact, I am fantasizing about a tall glass of ice cold lemonade. While regular lemonade is delicious, it's also packed full of sugar which isn't such a good thing. So while hunting for a less sweetened version, I stumbled upon this recipe for lemonade sweetened with agave nectar.

Since I already use agave in my baking recipes and have some in the cupboard right now, it works out perfectly.

Agave comes from the agave cactus which is the same plant tequila is made from. Agave nectar, unlike tequila, is non-alcoholic and very low glycemic, meaning it will not cause blood sugar spikes making it suitable for diabetics. It can be found in many grocery stores' natural food sections or specialty natural food stores. It does taste a little different than sugar and is about twice as sweet so a bit of tweaking might be necessary when you first try it.

On to the lemonade recipe!
From http://weelicious.com/2009/06/09/agave-lemonade/
Agave Lemonade (Makes 4- 1 Cup Servings)
1/2 Cup Lemon Juice
1/3 Cup Agave
3 Cups Water
1. Combine the lemon juice, agave and water in a pitcher.
2. Stir to combine.
3. Pour over ice and serve

Lemons can also be used in many ways around the house. To remove stubborn food from your microwave, place a microwave safe cup or dish of water and a couple of lemon slices on Cook for 1 minute. After it is finished, leave the door closed for a few extra minutes. The steam will loosen the stuck on food making it a cinch to wipe off and the lemon will leave the microwave smelling fresh and clean.

Lemons are also a very magickal ingredient and are often used in spells for Cleansing, Purification, Love, Blessings and Happiness.

July 20, 2009

The Witch's Cabinet

The Witch's Cabinet
Suggested supplies

Altar cloths
Book of Shadows
Candles (Assorted colors)
Candle holders
Clipboard (Inventory)
Corn (dried)
Crystals & Gems
Crystal ball
Decanter (Wine/Ale)
Divination tools
Feathers (Assorted colors)
Felt (Assorted colors)
Herbs, Dried plants, Spices
India Ink
Magick mirror
Magickal jewelery
Mortar and Pestle
Parchment Paper
Pocket knife
Potpourri pot
Quill pens
Rope/String (Assorted colors)
Sea salt
Tarot cards
Wooden boxes

- Adapted from list by Silver Ravenwolf

Daily Ingredient - Basil


No Kitchen Witch's pantry is complete without basil. A staple in any kitchen, basil is one of the most versatile herbs in cooking and magick. It can be used for spells involving: Love, Removing negativity, Wealth, Protection, Sympathy, Fidelity, Healing relationships and Courage to name a few!

Basil and many other herbs can be used in a variety of ways such as herb sachets (mojo bags), herbal baths, teas, infusions, incense and of course added to your cooking after being magickally charged.

Simple Basil Spell:

Decide what your goal is going to be out of the above list. For our purposes we will say courage.

Make a dinner recipe containing basil.

Before adding the basil to the dish, hold the quantity you are going to use in your dominant hand and close your eyes. Clear your mind as best as possible as try to become aware of the herb's energy. You may start to feel the basil tingle in your hand. If you don't that's okay, it will come with practice.

Next, visualize the color you would associate with courage. To me, it is a strong orange but there are no rules here, whatever color speaks to you will be most powerful.
Visualize this color filling your body while at the same time visualizing yourself feeling courageous and facing whatever issue it is you need the extra courage for.

Mentally transfer the color and images to the basil. I visualize the color flowing from by body, down my arm, into the hand holding the basil then into the basil itself. Picture the basil glowing with not only the color but the strong, courageous feelings you invoked.

Add the basil to the dish, confident that by ingesting it you have given yourself the extra courage you need to face your issue.

Magick isn't a "ZAP!" but it gets the wheels of the Universe turning and sets the stage for some major change to take place. The spell is just the first step. The next step is working toward the goal on the physical level. In this case it might be to face whatever issue you need to face instead of shying away and putting it off.

This spell could just as easily be used for any of the above mentioned purposes simply by changing the color and images you visualize.