October 28, 2009


October 31 brings us Samhain which is traditionally considered the Wiccan New Year (We must be on year 20,000+ by now).
It is on this night that the division between the material world and spirit world grows thin and increasing paranormal activity leading up to it is not unheard of. Due to this phenomenon, Samhain is a great time to remember and connect (responsibly!) with our loved ones who have passed on to the other side.
People started dressing up on Samhain because because by dressing up like spirits, we would trick them into thinking we were spirits too. and wouldn't be bothered.

Samhain's energy lends itself to traveling between the worlds, to gaining courage to face darkness and changes in our lives, turning negative experiences into opportunites to learn and grow. It is a time to remember the cycle of death and rebirth and that after darkness comes light.


Customs/Activities: Rituals to honor the dead, Halloween festivities/ trick or treating, Carving Jack-o-Lanterns, Divination

Colors: Black, Orange

Decorations: Jack-o-Lanterns, Apples, Photos of deceased loved ones, Fallen leaves, Autumn flowers, Divination tools, Candles shaped like witches, ghosts, cats, skulls etc, Statue of Goddess in Crone aspect

Food: Apples, Pumpkin, Nuts, Cider, Cranberries, Pomegranates, Ale, Cakes for the dead

Herbs: Thistle, Crysanthemum, Broom, Oak leaves, Sage, Mandrake

Incense: Apple, Nutmeg, Sage, Mint, Heliotrope

Gemstones: All black gemstones ie: Jet, Obsidian, Onyx

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