July 23, 2009

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

I have recurring dreams of tornadoes. The dream itself isn't the same but I generally have a tornado dream every couple of months. In the dreams I am usually trying to escape the tornado while also trying to protect a family member.

Last night's dream had me watching the sky while dark, ominous clouds churned violently and long, smoke-like funnels were slowly dropping and being sucked back into the sky in a teasing dance. I watched as a one of the funnels slowly touched down to become a tornado. I grabbed some food (in case of low blood sugar?) and Pepper, my dog and headed down to the basement of my apartment building to await the inevitable.

Depending on the source, tornado dreams can mean different things. A common explanation is that they symbloze destructive forces in your life which you have no control over. My life doesn't feel very destructive or chaotic so the interpretation that makes the most sense to me thus far is that tornadoes are unpredictable and violent storms which often separate families and destroy property. Frequent dreams of tornadoes may reflect past family instability, or people who are prone to violent “outbursts” or unpredictable mood swings. (I'm not violent but my moods are known to change quickly). Tornadoes frequently represent family members or relatives with drug, alcohol, mood disorders, and violent tempers. For people living in tornado areas, the dreams may reflect literal fears of an encounter.


  1. I have been having tornado dreams off and on for MANY years. The common thread among all of them is that I am the one who first sees the tornado coming and I try to warn the folks around me, usually people I know, like family members. I wish I knew exactly what this dream meant - I can't help but wonder if it's some sort of warning or something due to the length of time I've been having them. I hadn't had one in quite a while until about a month ago. I hope that it doesn't mean what I have been reading - that something bad is going to happen in my life.

  2. There is no doubt that Dream is important for everyone because in this way can see Future Shook! I have visited your site and it is very helpful in the dream interpretation!
    Dream Interpretation Expert

  3. I've also been having reoccurring tornado dreams for about 2 years now. They are usually near misses. Usually the tornado is off in the distance at first, but surprises me how quickly it approaches. The setting is never the same twice. I usually end up running into a nearby building and warning the people inside. I tend to be more aware of the tornado than the people inside do, and sometimes they even seem apathetic.

    I think that the tornado represents chaos for me, and I am running away from it. I am going to try to experiment with the dream in the future if I can manage to manipulate it, or if not, just keep notes about the dreams' contents. I will update you guys if I can figure out more.
