July 27, 2009

Mojo Bags

Mojo bags are known by several different names: Conjure bags, charm bags, gris gris bags; but they all refer to the same thing. They are pouches filled with various magickal items such as herbs and crystals. The term Mojo bag most likely came from the word "mojuba," which is a West African word meaning a prayer of praise. A Mojo bag is like a "prayer in a bag" or a spell you can carry.

Depending on the spell, Mojo bags are used in different ways such as worn on the person, slept with under the pillow, buried in the earth or thrown into a flowing body of water. For example, to draw money you could wear the Mojo bag on your person or make a minature version to fit in your purse or wallet. To banish sickness from yourself, you would wear the Mojo bag for a time to absorb your energy then either bury it in the earth (in a place where you will not return) or throw it into a body of water that is moving away from you. For us Witches in the city, burying things and finding moving bodies of water can be difficult, so improvise! If there are no rivers nearby, make a makeshift pouch out of bathroom tissue, hold it for a few minutes, pour your energy and sickness into it, then flush it down the toilet visualizing your ill health going along with it, never to return.

To make a Mojo bag you will first need a pouch or fabric in the appropriate color. I prefer to sew my own pouches because more of my energy gets put into the spell, however, when I need something quick, the ready mades are perfect.

You can then add one or more of the following. Don't forget to charge each item with your intent before adding it to the bag.

-Herbs to fit your purpose (Ex: Dill for money, Ginger for health etc.)
-Crystals or tumbled gemstones to fit your purpose
-A written incantation or prayer
-Anything else you wish to add

One Mojo bag I made for a friend (with permission) consisted of a green pouch I sewed myself with a $ sewed on the front, dill inside for money, and a written request to find a job quickly. While I constructed the bag I visualized him getting a job. He carried the Mojo bag with him while he handed out resumes and to job interviews. Within 2 weeks he had his first job and was making $10/hr. Would he have gotten the job without the Mojo bag? Possibly. Did the Mojo bag help? Probably. It didn't hurt to give the Universe an extra push in the right direction.

Happy Casting!

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