Almost every Witch has one or more "Go To" spells that they have had great results with on more than one occasion. Mine is a spell I created to find a job. Spells that you create on your own will certainly be more powerful than ones you have gotten from someone else or copied out of a book because they come from you and more of your personal energy is involved. However, if something out a book speaks to you or seems right, by all means use it!
For this spell I used one book to determine which herbs would work best and another for a pre-written prayer that I ended up changing to better reflect my situation but the rest was me. I believe that's why this spell was so successful. *
Resume Spell
Materials: A copy of your current resume
Green or gold candle
Money drawing herbs (I used Bay leaves and cloves)
Green marker
Glue stick
Refrigerator magnet
Best timing: Thursday or Sunday during a waxing moon
*I am only including the mechanics of the spell. Charging the items with your intent, visualization and raising/releasing the energy are also necessary.
1) Carve eight dollar signs into the candle and light it while visualizing your goal.
2) Write your wish for a new job in green marker in the middle of your resume.
You can either find a ready made money/job prayer or write your own being as specific as possible. Here is one that I found and tweaked a bit.
Mother and Father please sustain my spirit as I search for new and meaningful work. You have blessed me with a healthy body and a keen mind for which I am grateful. I ask that you open my path as I seek employment that will allow me to support my family and myself.
In gratitude and grace, So Mote It Be.
In gratitude and grace, So Mote It Be.
3) Glue the money herbs along the border of your resume on all sides. Easiest way is to run the glue stick along each side and sprinkle/press the herbs into the glue and shake off the excess. At this point you can simply continue visualizing your goal but I like to add a chant to the mix; something like, "Job come to me". Whatever you feel like.
4) Stick the resume to your fridge with the magnet to "draw a new job toward you".
Let the candle burn out on its own but do not leave it unattended. Never blow out a candle used for magick. If you must put it out, snuff it out and mentally shut down the spell temporarily until you are able to relight the candle.
Now get out there and hand out some real resumes!
*Results not guaranteed!
I like the simplicity and use of everyday materials for your spell. It makes it easier to focus on the intent and projection. Sometimes getting too flowery and complcated can lead to a pretty ritual but it blunts the immediacy and intensity of energy to send out.